Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chapter 2

Reading through Chapter 2, responding to the discussion and taking the quiz made me start to think about teaching and just how important it is. As teachers we have a lot on our plate. We have to do our best to inspire our students to suceed while also working around the many obstacles that come with today's society. Including poverty, social media and politics. These are just a select few. We also have to create a partnership with the parents and the community we teach in! And this is all on top of creating a healthy, happy, enviting classroom that students want to learn in and making sure that we stay on top of things and make sure the students that we are teaching are understanding the material and are enjoying themselves.

This seems like a lot.. and it is but just remember that we teachers are creating a huge difference in the lives of the students that enter our classroom and learn from us. We can help push our students to obtain the courage and confidence they need to live happy and positive lives! What we teach and the impact we have on each one of our students could stay with them for the rest of their lives, helping our students to become the future leaders of America!